Wednesday, May 14, 2008


At one time in my life, I was completely crushed with worry, cares, fears, sorrows. There seemed to be no way out from this load of desperation. I saw no hope for the future and no solutions to my present problems. I was ready to give up.
I laid down on my bed in total exhaustion and cried out to God, "Lord, I cannot hold on any longer. I cannot bear these burdens any more. I give up."
I felt myself falling...falling into a bottomless abyss, with no desire to fight back. Then...a hand, a big, strong hand...God's hand, reached out and caught me. God's hand CAUGHT ME, and lifted me up & out of that pit of despair I had jumped into.
At that moment, I knew...I saw...I understood...that it was not me holding onto God, but HE HOLDING ONTO ME!
Since that day, that moment, I have NEVER doubted God's love or protection of me. I was forever released from clinging to God. I realized that I had no need to cling to God, for HE WILL FOREVER HOLD ME IN HIS HAND.
Today, and forever, I know that I am safely in the hands of Jesus. So many Bible verses speak of God's hands, Jesus' hands...John 10.28-29 & Psalm 73.23 are just two of many. But I KNOW what it means to rest safely in the hands of Jesus...for I have been there. And will remain...for all Eternity.

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