Wednesday, May 14, 2008


At one time in my life, I was completely crushed with worry, cares, fears, sorrows. There seemed to be no way out from this load of desperation. I saw no hope for the future and no solutions to my present problems. I was ready to give up.
I laid down on my bed in total exhaustion and cried out to God, "Lord, I cannot hold on any longer. I cannot bear these burdens any more. I give up."
I felt myself falling...falling into a bottomless abyss, with no desire to fight back. Then...a hand, a big, strong hand...God's hand, reached out and caught me. God's hand CAUGHT ME, and lifted me up & out of that pit of despair I had jumped into.
At that moment, I knew...I saw...I understood...that it was not me holding onto God, but HE HOLDING ONTO ME!
Since that day, that moment, I have NEVER doubted God's love or protection of me. I was forever released from clinging to God. I realized that I had no need to cling to God, for HE WILL FOREVER HOLD ME IN HIS HAND.
Today, and forever, I know that I am safely in the hands of Jesus. So many Bible verses speak of God's hands, Jesus' hands...John 10.28-29 & Psalm 73.23 are just two of many. But I KNOW what it means to rest safely in the hands of Jesus...for I have been there. And will remain...for all Eternity.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


If you are in the midst of a very difficult trial, I share this quote...

"If you don't have callused hands & a broken heart when you stand before your Maker, He will ask why you wasted your life."

Please know that your pain is not wasted; give it to Jesus & He will make something beautiful from it.
"All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." --Romans 8.28

Keep truckin'...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


HI, ALL...

Found some gorgeous Virginia bluebells and blue phlox blooming along an old creekbed. Hope you enjoy the photos. And...ROGG-ON!


I have a dream; this dream is twofold...
1) to see that everyone in the USA has a Bible, &
2) that there be Bible Reading Marathons all across our nation.

Will you help me make these dreams come true?
Please let me hear from you.


Monday, May 5, 2008


This is a scene of a lovely Kentucky Spring day at a little creek near my house. I was reminded of Psalm 23..."he leads me beside still waters..." as I snapped photos of this bucolic setting.

What Bible verse would you add to this picture?


"These are the nations the Lord left to test those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan. (He did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience.) Judges 3. 1-2 (NIV)

Problems? You got problems? Guess what? You gotta have problems. Why? Because sometimes that is the only way you learn something.
Do you know how to fix a flat tire? You do after you've had one.
Do you know how to overcome a serious illness? You do if you've had one.
Do you know how to survive a broken heart? Only if you've had one.

You got a big boulder in your life that is bogging you down? And it won't go away? Maybe...just maybe, God has put it there for a reason. A good reason. To make you stronger, wiser, more compassionate, more loving, more forgiving.

Surrender that boulder to Jesus today. Ask Him to let you view it through His eyes, and see it as a blessing, not a blunder; as a building, not a boulder, a plus, not a pain.

As the Apostle Paul discovered from God in his own struggles, ..."my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." --2 Corinthians 12.9 (NIV)

Surrender your weakness to God today. And see what strength He has for you. And...

Thursday, January 18, 2007


You say we don't have a Christian nation any more? Well, we can change that, you know.

First, let's see that everyone in the United States has a Bible. Lets knock on doors, go to the shopping malls & Wal-Marts, stand in the streets, and pass out Bibles, free, with no strings attached. Just do it because we as Christians want everyone to have a copy of the Bread of Life.

Next, you complain about there being no prayer in school? Is there prayer in your home? Do you pray daily with your children? Do they see you pray? Do you pray for your kids' teachers, schoolmates, staff? Your neighbors, enemies, government leaders?

Now, lets tackle the Ten Commandments. Are they posted in your home? Are they printed on little cards and posted in your car/truck, tucked in your wallet, taped to your refrigerator or bathroom mirror? Do you read them with your family and explian what they mean? And make sure you honor them yourselves?

You also whine about there being no Bible reading in school. Do you read your Bible every day? (Or at least five times a week?) Do you read it to your children...every day? Do they have Bible story books that you read from in the evenings and at bedtime?

Dear Christians...lets stop whining about problems that we can fix. Lets fix them!! Write these laws in your hearts. And practice them! No legislator or judge can stop you from doing that. Of course, if we continue to neglect these basic principles, we may see someone else step in and make it illegal to do such things.

So...what is your choice of cheese with your whine? It IS your choice.